
Playing the ukulele marks you out as being a bit different. While most people are hacking away on guitars and pianos, we choose to pursue something a little bit different. Being individual is much more fun, but does come with a few problems. There just aren’t that many resources around for people who want to play the ukulele. In May 2007, I set out to share as much as I knew about the uke (whilst feeding my ukulele obsession) and set up my ukulele blog Uke Hunt (which has since grown to become the most popular ukulele site on the net according to Boat Paddle’s Top 50 list).

The blog format is great for short tips, single songs and the like, but got frustrated because I knew that the format couldn’t stretch the the in-depth subjects that could really help people improve their ukulele playing and understanding by leaps and bounds. So, I set out writing books for people who wanted to really get to grips with the ukulele and learn how to get the most out of it.

As part of my blogging and hanging around on ukulele forums (where you may know me as Woodshed), I get to interact with a lot of ukulele players. Lots uke players the world over email me with questions and requests. So, I really get to know what people struggle with when learning the uke and I work hard to make sure these issues are addressed in my ebooks. There are more technically gifted ukulele players than me writing about the ukulele, but they so often fail to answer questions that people learning the ukulele have. With these ebooks, I hope to help people who are eager to learn the ukulele but haven’t find the resources that are really focussed on tackling their issues.

If there’s something in my ebooks you don’t understand, send me a message and I’ll do my best to sort it out.

avatar.jpgAbout Me

Name: Al Wood
Age: 30
Location: Derbyshire, England.

You can read my daily ukulele posts at Uke Hunt: The most popular ukulele site on the net.

Website header designed by UkeJill.